Graduate Students

The SPU Library offers an array of services to aid graduate study and research. Both on campus and off, you can access materials and support for your academic needs.

Services for graduate students

Library access is automatically granted for quarters in which you are registered. Contact your liaison librarian if you have extended access needs (i.e., you have been given longer than one quarter to complete coursework, or you are not taking classes but are actively working on your dissertation).

Note: Services for graduate students include doctoral, masters, and postbaccalaureate students. There are additional services for distance/online students.

Borrowing services

Graduate students may:

Research services

Graduate students may:

Additional services

Graduate students may:

  • Use a Faculty/Graduate Locker (see the Front Desk to checkout a key).
  • Reserve a study or media room using SPU Room Finder for group study or other SPU related activity.
  • Use collaborative and individual computing spaces, receive support in using university software and find information about tech tools available for checkout at the Front Desk.
  • Use self-service printers and copiers. Learn more about printing on-campus.

Loan Rule Information

Material Type Loan Period Max. items out by item type Renewal
General collection, Curriculum, Honors Projects, Juvenile, Music Scores, Kits 28 days Up to 75 2
Summit items – Long Loan (usually books) 84 days Up to 75 1 (add. 42 days)
Dissertations 28 days 5 1
Graduate Locker Key 84 days 1 up to 1 year
CDs, Sound Recordings 7 days 5 1
DVDs, Videos 7 days 5 1
Test Files (restricted access) 4 hours 2 1
Reserve Materials Varies, usually 2 hours 2 1
Reference, Atlases, Theses No loan n/a n/a
Periodicals No loan n/a n/a
  • Graduates may have a total of 75 items checked out at any one time.
  • Late fees may be assessed for lost or missing items, overdue technology items, summit items, or items in high demand.
  • Replacement cost for lost SPU materials: $75.
  • Replacement cost for lost Summit materials: $90.
  • Fees may be assessed for materials returned in a damaged condition.
  • Fines are higher for recalled items.

Contact the Circulation desk at 206-281-2228 or if you have concerns about overdue, damaged, or lost items.

Patron responsibility. The Library emails a due-date record at the time of checkout and sends courtesy reminders and overdue notices to your SPU email address. However, whether or not you receive these notices, you are responsible for returning materials that have been checked out on your ID card on time.

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